Autumn Morning in Tsukahara

Autumn Morning in Tsukahara
Autumn morning in Tsukahara

Thursday, January 20, 2022

I'm trying, but...

 Just a quick post to those who don't think I write enough blogs...It's cold. I mean it's really cold and crunchy. So much so that I find it impossible to make any progress on my stained glass. When I was younger it didn't bother me so much. I could do creative things in the workshop and pretend the gas heater was enough to keep me warm. Thank goodness for age and wisdom. I don't do that anymore. I find the warmth of our home much more attractive and comfortable for my aging bones. Instead of freezing my butt off, I prefer to practice guitar, or watch a movie and spend time with my dog, Lucky. Yeah, Lucky is getting old. He turned 15 in October. A typical lifespan of a Jack Russell Terrier is 16. He has Cushings Disease. It's a disease that causes him to drink excessive amounts of water and get up every two hours or so to relieve himself. So Erika and I haven't gotten a decent nights sleep since August. I know I'll treasure these moments after he passes, but at this moment, it really sucks. I find myself walking around like a zombie. Time quickly passes and before I know it another day has gone. I was told this is normal. That doesn't change the fact that getting old is a pain. I mean that literally. My neck, shoulders, hands, fingers, lower back, knees and feet all show some degree of discomfort. Complaining sure doesn't help. I'd drown my pain in alcohol, but drinking only causes my gout to flare up. Pain killers only cause my stomach to hurt. I do try to exercise three times a week with a video I downloaded from Youtube. Gosh, I remember when I bicycled a hundred miles and didn't even breathe hard. Those were the days, but those days are why I feel the way I do now. The wear and tear of youth brought despair as I became older. Oh well, such is life. No pictures in this post. Just a bunch of ramblings from an old man living in the Japan wilderness. 

Sometimes I do miss the states, but we won't talk about that now. My dream of having a B&B has all but dissolved due to covid. Neither one of us can even imagine inviting strangers to our home to stay and dine at our cafe. It's just too dangerous and irresponsible. I don't see covid going away anytime soon. So, we have this huge empty house out in the middle of nowhere filled with broken dreams. Maybe it's not that bad, but Home Sweet Home may never become reality. I sure the hell won't give up so easily, but I also won't beat myself up trying to make a dream come true that is just not realistic. 

I just realized this post is more like a letter than anything else. After ten years of writing this blog I've come to the realization that I write this to keep my 92 year old mother updated on the current events happening in my life and I try to let my close friends have a peek into my life as a foreigner living in Japan. I often refer my new acquaintances to this blog to introduce myself instead of repeating myself over and over again. Lazy, yes, but it works (some of the time). I know I promised more pictures of current projects and a ten year past and present comparison of the remodel. It's a theater near you...stay tuned. Don't you just hate when someone keeps using (...) when they write :O)

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