This one is known as the "Wizard Nebula". I guess it looks like a wizard...maybe I'm missing something? Found in the constellation Cepheus about 7000 light years from us. Again, I chose to process this image using the Hubble palette. I gathered photons over the course of 5 nights just about a year ago. It's hard to believe that last year I was almost constantly taking images from October till mid March. This year, nada. Either it clouds up in the evening or it's clear with a full moon. Really lousy weather for astrophotography, but great for doing things around the house.
George has finally found his "Home Sweet Home" after 14 years of searching. George convinced Erika to move back to Japan, but it has been an uphill struggle. There are many problems that lie ahead for George and Erika before they can finally call Japan, "Home Sweet Home". Please join them as they face the difficulties and celebrate the successes. The journey promises to be entertaining as well as informative.
Autumn Morning in Tsukahara
Autumn morning in Tsukahara
Monday, December 2, 2024
Monday, November 11, 2024
Busy in the kitchen
Monday, October 7, 2024
And so it begins
Bread, bread and more bread
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Next Project
First, let me apologize for the picture quality. The first three photos are photos of photos taken way back when I still had a full head of hair (2000). I had to leave this glass with the house that was sold in California. The buyers insisted and I had no way of transporting several panels to Seattle safely. I knew one day I would remake all the panels I left behind. Well, the time has come for this panel. Hey, it only took me 24 years to get around to it.
The original panel was copper foil and quite large. The new panel will be lead and about half the size. I could easily reproduce the same size panel, but why? It was nerve racking to lift and place that monster in the window frame. I'm too old for that kind of stuff. BTW, I can still see that glass in the window when I Google map my old address.
Believe it or not, this was one of my first stained glasses. I never believed in starting small. I learned a lot of lessons from that project. One thing I learned was a glass that large was far better to do in lead. Getting those solder lines to look decent took me forever. Another thing I learned is that a panel that large really needs a frame and reinforcement. I did the reinforcement, but I only used zinc as a frame. Lots of flexure and I sweat bullets whenever I turned the glass to clean it. I had to build a redwood stand just to transport and wash the glass. Do it again...I don't think so.
The Kimball Collection is complete
The Kimball Collection is finally complete. After a brief "break" from glass (due to the heat) I got this project completed. Time to do some chores around the house and yard since the weather has cooled and autumn is in the air. I love this time of year! The next glass project is ready to go. I'll write more about that later.
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Cygnus Wall
Alrighty's the Cygnus Wall. I guess you could call this one of the most powerful walls in the known universe. A star forming region approximately 2600 light years away and 20 light years across. Taken with narrowband filters, integration time: Ha, OIII, and SII each @ 15 @ 600sec. Processed using the SHO palette in PixInsight. Images acquired in November 2023 @ 1960mm with QSI 583wsg, Celestron Edge11HD, guided Paramount MyT, over the course of three nights using CCDAP. I almost sound like I know what I'm doing...Ha!
I was busy the end of last year and the beginning of this year taking images. The weather was unusually clear and steady. I hope I can repeat the same for this year. More images to come. Please stay tuned.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
It's the real thing!
San Francisco Sour Dough bread in Tsukahara, Japan baked by my super talented wife, Erika. It's amazing! Of course, the secret to sour dough bread is the starter. This starter began way back in 1849 at the start of the San Francisco Gold Rush. Local bakeries have kept the starter alive all these years and now we have it, here, in Tsukahara. I can't believe how healthy it is. The starter triples in size in a matter of hours! Unbelievable!!
With a little teamwork, I'm in charge of keeping the starter alive (the starters name is, "September") and Erika is in charge of the sour dough creations. Let's see...pancakes, french toast, muffins, pizza crust, and of course breads. We're both excited to share this incredible bread with neighbors and friends. You can't buy this kind of bread anywhere near here...maybe not even in Kyushu. Wooo hooo!
Sunday, September 15, 2024
It has certainly been a while...
...sorry about that. Summer has been (pause) hot. I believe we have had record temps just about everyday in Japan which is unusual for our neck of the woods. Tourists come to Tsukahara to get out of the heat, but not this year. I have been busy around the house doing various things such as painting the rooms on the first floor. I managed to finish most of the stained glass projects in the living room along with installing a glass I made a few years back for the hallway. I'm just now getting around to working in the shop again, at least in the morning hours. I also read a good book, Lime Creek by Joe Henry. Meanwhile, Erika has been busy creating some delicious sour dough breads and such. I purchased some San Francisco sour dough starter from the U.S. It's supposed to be over 150 years old! It's a good thing.
Well I guess I'll share a few picks of what I've been up to. BTW, my mom mentioned I haven't posted in a long time and she was giving up looking at it. SOOOO, I'm posting. If you all had Facebook( ) then this wouldn't be an issue. I've been posting all kinds of stuff there. Here's my lame excuse for not posting on blogger, I'm lazy. Life is busy and who has time for social media...besides Trumpsters. No offense, but I honestly can't stand that clown. I really hope Ms. Harris tears him a new a--hole in this next election. Moving right along, I've also done quite a bit of astrophotography processing. It's nice and cool in front of the computer I use for processing.
Doggies are doing very well. Sky and Holly have settled into their new home and have a routine everyday. Sky's mast cell tumors come and go. It's been a battle, but so far he's hanging in there. Holly is a crazy little Jack Russell who does her best to make us laugh each day. They both have brought so much life and light into our home. One of my favorite things to do is to watch movies with Erika. We love our home theater and use it quite often. Last year we watched over 325 movies. The reason I mentioned this is because last nights movie really hit a chord with me. The movie, Revolutionary Road, brought up some issues that I had not considered since relocating to Japan. Without beating around the bush, I never considered how others thought about us moving to Japan. Did they think we were crazy, irresponsible, wreckless, etc.? Or, were they envious of the fact that we had the guts to go out and chase our dreams instead of living the everyday rat-race and following the rules of society? By rules I mean, work at a job you generally dislike, buy a house and car, have kids, grow old and die. The movie explores the reaction of outsiders and friends at the prospect of a couple leaving the country to find new meaning in their life. Unfortunately, it didn't work out for them as they did not do the research and make the commitment required to change one's life dramatically. The movie explores many other issues, but the one I was most interested in was this one.
So, how about those pictures?