Autumn Morning in Tsukahara

Autumn Morning in Tsukahara
Autumn morning in Tsukahara

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

It's the real thing!

 San Francisco Sour Dough bread in Tsukahara, Japan baked by my super talented wife, Erika. It's amazing! Of course, the secret to sour dough bread is the starter. This starter began way back in 1849 at the start of the San Francisco Gold Rush. Local bakeries have kept the starter alive all these years and now we have it, here, in Tsukahara. I can't believe how healthy it is. The starter triples in size in a matter of hours! Unbelievable!! 

With a little teamwork, I'm in charge of keeping the starter alive (the starters name is, "September") and Erika is in charge of the sour dough creations. Let's see...pancakes, french toast, muffins, pizza crust, and of course breads. We're both excited to share this incredible bread with neighbors and friends. You can't buy this kind of bread anywhere near here...maybe not even in Kyushu. Wooo hooo!

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