After experiencing five
beautiful days of vacation (Golden Week), it rained. Not a problem. I have been
procrastinating with the upstairs remodel using the excuse that the weather has
been too nice to work inside. Well, it was finally time to do some tiling.
Erika and I tiled the bathroom floor. Nothing fancy, just enough to match the
other bathrooms. The walls will be tiled after I cut the tiles for one of the
guest bedrooms. The reason for the delay is that I’m not 100% sure that I have
enough tile to do both rooms. I also need to build a cabinet for a sink in the bathroom. The weather forecast for the rest of our vacation is cool and clear. Time to procrastinate again.

A couple of weeks ago I did manage to finish installing plywood flooring in the bathroom, hallway, and one of the guest bedrooms. This was done to add stability to the original flooring so the tile wouldn't crack. The original wood flooring started "cupping" creating an uneven floor. This was probably caused by the original owner accidently leaving the window open during a few rainstorms (the house was empty for months at a time) and allowing the floor to get soaked. I found evidence of this when I took up some flooring to find the cause. This house was abused and neglected for many years. It took a lot of TLC just to get it to its current condition. It makes me sick to think about how an irresponsible homeowner could turn a beautiful log home into a rotting mess.
The bathroom tiling was finished by noon. Now what? Baking a pie and some
cookies sounded like a good idea. It was time to bake a pecan pie with real
pecans. Yummy. We love pecan pie and have been craving it for some time. I also
tried a new recipe for oatmeal cookies. The raisins were soaked in rum. These
cookies are fantastic!!! They are moist and chewy. The rum gives the cookies an
extra kick. I’ll have to make these again in the near future.
Ah, the secret ingredient.
Pecan pie...a wonderful thing.