The meetings occur about five
times a year. Only Japanese is spoken. I find that kind of ironic to have only Japanese spoken at an English teachers' meeting. Well anyway,
I would sit in the meetings and thumb through the materials that were given. I
didn’t have a clue as to what was being said. I nodded when everyone nodded. I
smiled when everyone smiled. Most of the time my mind was a million miles away
figuring out a woodworking project or something else along those lines. What
made the meeting, I attended yesterday, different was that I had an interpreter.
The teachers I work with
rattled on about how they did the lesson plans and led the class. That would be great
if it were true. I do the lesson plans and lead the class for every school
except one. These teachers were lying in front of the Board of Education and
sadly, in front of me. As they continued to boast about their imaginary
achievements, I smiled to myself. Here’s another saying that appropriately
applies, “The proof is in the pudding”. The school district continues to see
very little improvement in English education. It’s no wonder. The teachers lie
to protect themselves and cheat the students out of a proper education they
deserve. Those are rather strong accusations to be making against someone you
can’t communicate with. Perhaps, but I witnessed it with my own eyes and ears.
When I shared this experience
with Erika she said that I should have voiced out at the meeting. I’m afraid
that wouldn’t have helped matters. My interpreter is Japanese and she wouldn’t
have translated what I had to say. It would have been considered
“inappropriate”. If I had said something, I would have created tremendous friction
between the teachers and me. I’m as guilty as the Japanese teachers. We are
both protecting our jobs. Of course, the ones who are suffering from the
consequences of our actions are the children.
Erika reminded me that some
of the teachers in America are just as corrupt. I told her that I agree and
that was what troubled me the most. I left America to leave that sort of
behavior behind. Sure, I understand that in business and in government, it
doesn’t matter where you are in the world, corrupt behavior exists and it’s a
fact of life. My reality check was to find that this kind of behavior exists in
education…Japanese education. George