Here's another YouTube video. This clip shows the surrounding area. As you can see, we are out in the middle of nowhere. The elevation is 700 meters which is about halfway up the side of Mt. Yufu. Some people say that this is the backside of the volcano. I think it's the best side. If you travel to the other side of the volcano, the crater is more visible. The terrain is rockier and it looks more dramatic...more like a volcano. I'll try to take pictures the next time I'm over there. Mt. Yufu is known as "Bungo Fuji" which means it's the Mt. Fuji of Kyushu. From 40 miles away, the volcano kind of looks like Fujisan...only smaller.
Mt. Tsurumi is close by. This volcano was on the "watch list" after last year's disastrous earthquakes. In the video clip is Mt. Garan. A famous hot spring is located there. We are near many hot springs. Beppu and Yufuin are a mecca for tourists seeking those natural wonders. The concentration of hot springs in this area is second only to Yellowstone National Park. This is probably a good thing since the hot springs seem to act like a relief valve. We haven't experienced an earthquake since we moved here.
I included one more video showing the outside of the house. Please don't laugh at Erika's garden. She just planted some carrots and other stuff, so the mounds look bare. I'll update as soon as we have more veggies. The wood pile has steadily grown. Erika has worked very hard at stacking and sorting the firewood. We should have enough wood to get us through this winter and part of the next. George
George has finally found his "Home Sweet Home" after 14 years of searching. George convinced Erika to move back to Japan, but it has been an uphill struggle. There are many problems that lie ahead for George and Erika before they can finally call Japan, "Home Sweet Home". Please join them as they face the difficulties and celebrate the successes. The journey promises to be entertaining as well as informative.
Autumn Morning in Tsukahara
Autumn morning in Tsukahara
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Terror in Tsukahara
Living in the mountains has been an en-“lightening” experience. We have experienced thunderstorms almost every day in August. The weather routine is predictable. A typical summer day starts out clear. As the afternoon approaches, the dark clouds peek over the rim of the Tsukahara Plateau. Soon after, the rumble of thunder can be heard in the distance. The winds pick up and the clouds quickly gather overhead. The lightning and thunder occur almost simultaneously. The ground shakes with the tremendous explosions of thunder. A deluge of rainfall soon follows, signaling the end of a short lived, but violent storm. The entire cycle lasts about two hours.
It’s a
beautiful thing to watch and experience unless you’re caught in a storm. Erika
went for an afternoon walk with the dogs. She was caught completely off guard.
She didn’t even have an umbrella. The swiftness of the developing storm
surprised everyone. Before she knew it, she was surrounded by flashes of light
and explosions of thunder. She was terrified and disoriented. Up ahead, she saw
a bolt of lightning strike the ground. She remembered to stay away from
anything tall. She crouched down and pulled the dogs towards her. The trio
trembled as the storm worsened.
Meanwhile at
home, I ducked instinctively as I heard a thunderous crash from a nearby
meadow. The house shook and the power went out. I hurried over to unplug the
well pump. I was told that lightning could do some serious damage to a well
since it’s not grounded. I proceeded to unplug everything I could think of.
“Should I find Erika?” I asked myself. I didn’t know that she forgot her cell
phone. I assumed that she would call me if she were in danger. When I called
her, I heard her phone ring. I felt sick to my stomach.
The deluge
of rain began coupled with lightning and thunder. I decided to jump in the car
and to look for her. As soon as I approached the front door, I heard Erika’s
voice yelling, “Kiley’s coming!’’ The trio made it back safely. George
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Lucky on YouTube
Lucky likes
to play soccer. In Washington, he would maneuver beach balls around our neighborhood
park. This would often get the attention of people passing by. We started using
a basketball because he found that popping a beach ball was more entertaining
than chasing it around. He hasn’t popped a basketball…yet. Here’s a YouTubeclip of Lucky in action in Tsukahara. Please excuse the poor quality of the
video. It’s the first time I posted anything on YouTube. Posting on YouTube is
easy to do, but it takes a long time to process. I started the post at ten in
the morning and it wasn’t completed until ten that night. The clip is less than
two minutes long. I think it has
something to do with waiting for my turn. Anyway, this will give you a chance
to see our dilapidated deck that is in need of some serious renovation. I hope
to post more clips in the future to give you some idea of what we have been up
to. Stay tuned…
Thursday, August 16, 2012
French Memo Board
We managed
to find some spare time over the summer holiday to do arts and crafts. In the
U.S., we often made time to do intarsia and stained glass. With the new
business taking up so much of our time, it’s rare that we have a spare moment to be
creative. Last year, Erika gathered the materials for this project. So, what is
it? I'm glad you’s a French memo board. We wanted an easy way to display our student’s
pictures. It’s also a way for the other students to see who has joined Y.E.S.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
We have been in Japan for almost a year. I think I enjoyed
the autumn colors the most. The temperature was perfect and the night skies
were clear. When we arrived in October, I did not have any time to take photos.
This year I’ll try to capture Tsukahara’s fall colors. Winter was my second
favorite season. It was frigid, but the surrounding beauty made up for that. A
“winter wonderland” would best describe the winter of 2011. Sure, it was
difficult to get around. I learned that driving in the snow was fun provided
there were no other cars around. It was so quiet and peaceful in the winter.
Sitting by a warm wood stove was a magical experience.
“Spring is a time for awakening.” Living in California most
of my life, I never knew what that saying meant. I was used to the weather
going from cool and rainy to hot and dry. That was a sure sign that spring
arrived. In Tsukahara, the change was subtle. It was still very cold, but the
stillness disappeared. Winter loosened its grip which allowed for tiny plants
to emerge from the ice and snow. After a few weeks, the meadows of golden brown
turned into lush green. It seemed as if everything turned green. A plethora of
insects also made their debut.
Summer kicked off the rainy season. The rain was soon
followed by the humidity and heat. Which brings us to today…it will be 33C with
45 percent humidity. It’s time to sit in front of the air-conditioner. The rest
of the week will be cooler, but thunderstorms are in the forecast. The
hillsides are saturated from the rainfall. I’m looking forward to fall.
I have a weather
station that I purchased before I left the states. Over the past year in
Tsukahara, the coolest temperature has been -10C and the warmest has been 33C.
The biggest surprise was the rainfall amount in a 24 hour period…5.67
inches! George
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
If you haven’t
heard, Curiosity has landed. If you have to ask, “What’s a Curiosity?” please
read no further. Check out the cool website from NASA Curiosity . This YouTube clip is pretty cool, too. The landing sequence was known as “The
Seven Minutes of Hell,” because of the complexity. I have to marvel at the
engineering that went into this project. It’s amazing that something as mind boggling
as this, landed without a hitch. Magnificent job, NASA scientists! George
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